C_BGP_Personality_t | |
Csstmac::hw::stat_bytes_sent::aggregation | |
Csstmac::sw::user_app_cxx_full_main::argv_entry | |
CAssertEqual< T, A > | |
CAssertEqual< std::vector< T >, A > | |
CAssertEqual< std::vector< T >, std::vector< T > > | |
CAssertEqual< T, T > | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_cut_through_arbitrator::bandwidth_epoch | |
Csstmac::native::thread_barrier::barrier_state | |
Csstmac::sw::basic_instructions_st | |
Csstmac::sw::key::category | |
Csstmac::sw::stack_alloc::chunk | A chunk of allocated memory to be divided into fixed-size stacks |
CClassOutput< T > | |
CClassOutput< std::map< T, U > > | |
CClassOutput< std::vector< T > > | |
Csprockit::CleanupFactory< Factory > | |
Csstmac::hw::clone_factory< CloneType, CloneArg1 > | |
►CComponent | |
Csstmac::SSTIntegratedComponent | |
►Ccompute_scheduler | |
Csstmac::hw::null_scheduler | |
Csstmac::sw::cpuset_compute_scheduler | |
Csstmac::sw::simple_compute_scheduler | |
Csstmac::hw::connectable::config | |
►Ccongestion_spyplot | |
Csstmac::hw::spyplot_and_delay_stats | |
►Csstmac::hw::connectable | |
Csstmac::connectable_proxy_component | |
►Csstmac::hw::connectable_component | |
►Csstmac::hw::node | |
►Csstmac::hw::simple_node | A stand-in node |
Csstmac::hw::null_node | A null node |
►Csstmac::hw::connectable_subcomponent | |
►Csstmac::hw::nic | A networkinterface is a delegate between a node and a server module |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_nic | Network interface compatible with sending packet trains |
►Csstmac::hw::simple_nic | A networkinterface is a delegate between a node and a server module |
Csstmac::hw::null_nic | |
►Csstmac::hw::netlink | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_netlink | |
Csstmac::integrated_connectable_wrapper | |
Csstmac::hw::tiled_dragonfly::connection | |
Csstmac::connection_details | |
CContainerAppend< C, A > | |
CContainerAppend< std::map< K, V >, kv< K, V > > | |
CContainerAppend< std::vector< T >, A > | |
►Csstmac::deadlock_check | |
Csstmac::deadlock_check_impl< T, Fxn > | |
Csprockit::debug | |
Csprockit::debug_int | Opaque wrapper around an integer used for checking if debug slots are active |
Csprockit::debug_prefix_fxn | The debug_prefix_fxn class Produces a string prefix (dynamically, called every time) that can be registered with the debug system to add extra metadata to each debug print |
Csprockit::debug_register_slot | The debug_register_slot class |
CDefaultCTFailure | |
Csstmac::sw::dumpi_meta | |
Csstmac::hw::stat_bytes_sent::aggregation::entry | |
Csstmac::hw::fat_tree_global_adaptive_router::Entry | |
Csstmac::env | This class holds some global information about the simulation |
Csstmac::location_trace::event | |
Csstmac::native::event_map::event_compare | |
►Csstmac::event_handler | The main interface for something that can respond to an event (sst_message) |
►Csstmac::event_scheduler | The interface for something that can schedule messages |
Csstmac::hw::connectable_component | |
►Csstmac::event_subscheduler | |
Csstmac::hw::connectable_subcomponent | |
Csstmac::hw::netlink | |
►Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_handler | |
►Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_sender | |
►Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_buffer | |
►Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_finite_buffer | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_eject_buffer | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_network_buffer | |
►Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_infinite_buffer | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_injection_buffer | |
►Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_NtoM_queue | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_crossbar | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_demuxer | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_muxer | |
►Csstmac::hw::packetizer | |
►Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_packetizer | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_memory_packetizer | |
►Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_nic_packetizer | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_cut_through_packetizer | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_simple_packetizer | |
Csstmac::sw::operating_system | |
Csstmac::integrated_connectable_wrapper | |
►Csstmac::member_fxn_handler | |
Csstmac::member_fxn_handler_impl< Cls, Fxn, Args > | |
►Csstmac::sw::job_launcher | Performs the combined operations a queue scheduler like PBS or MOAB and a job launcher like SLURM (srun) or ALPS (aprun) |
Csstmac::sw::default_job_launcher | |
Csstmac::sw::sdn_job_launcher | |
Csstmac::event_loc_id | |
Csstmac::sw::event_node | |
►Csstmac::event_queue_entry | |
►Csstmac::callback | |
Csstmac::member_fxn_callback< Cls, Fxn, Args > | |
Csstmac::handler_event_queue_entry | |
Csstmac::sw::timeout_event | |
Csstmac::sw::unblock_event | |
►Cexception | |
►Csprockit::spkt_error | General errors, or base class for more specific errors |
Csprockit::illformed_error | An error indicating some format was not correct |
Csprockit::input_error | Invalid user input |
Csprockit::invalid_key_error | Key to a map was not in the map |
Csprockit::io_error | File open, read, or write error |
Csprockit::iterator_error | Something happened when iterating over a collection |
Csprockit::library_error | A general error somewhere from a library |
Csprockit::memory_error | Something happened when allocating, deallocating, or mapping a memory region |
Csprockit::not_ported_error | Exception indicating that chosen path is not yet ported to new framework |
Csprockit::null_error | Error indicating something was null and shouldn't have been |
Csprockit::os_error | An error having to do with an operating system |
Csprockit::pvt::ser_buffer_overrun | |
Csprockit::range_error | An index was out of range in a collection |
Csprockit::time_error | An error indicating something to do with the advancement of simulation time |
Csprockit::unimplemented_error | A function was intentionally unimplemented because it doesn't make sense, or it is ongoing work |
Csprockit::value_error | Error indicating some internal value was unexpected |
CRNG::ExponentialDistribution | |
Csprockit::Factory< T, Args > | |
►Csprockit::factory< T > | |
Csprockit::template_factory< T, Factory > | |
►Csprockit::factory2< T > | |
Csprockit::template_factory2< T, Factory > | |
►Csprockit::factory_type | |
►Csstmac::event_manager | Base type for implementations of an engine that is able to schedule events and advance simulation time in the right order |
►Csstmac::native::event_container | An event manager base class using standard containers |
Csstmac::native::event_calendar | An event manager that relies on the eventcontainer template base class to manage events with a multimap template parameter |
Csstmac::native::event_heap | An event manager that relies on the eventcontainer template base class to manage events with a priority queue template parameter |
►Csstmac::native::event_map | An event manager that relies on the eventcontainer template base class to manage events with a multimap template parameter |
►Csstmac::native::clock_cycle_event_map | |
Csstmac::native::multithreaded_event_container | |
Csstmac::native::multithreaded_subcontainer | |
Csstmac::hw::netlink | |
Csstmac::hw::nic | A networkinterface is a delegate between a node and a server module |
Csstmac::hw::node | |
►Csstmac::hw::noise_model | |
Csstmac::hw::gaussian_noise_model | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_allocator | The packet_allocator class Factory for creating packets |
►Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_bandwidth_arbitrator | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_cut_through_arbitrator | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_null_arbitrator | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_simple_arbitrator | |
►Csstmac::hw::packet_sent_stats | |
Csstmac::hw::byte_hop_collector | |
Csstmac::hw::bytes_sent_collector | |
Csstmac::hw::delay_histogram | |
Csstmac::hw::null_stats | |
►Csstmac::hw::packet_delay_stats | |
Csstmac::hw::spyplot_and_delay_stats | |
Csstmac::hw::packetizer | |
►Csstmac::hw::processor | An interface for processor models |
►Csstmac::hw::simple_processor | A very simple processor model |
Csstmac::hw::instruction_processor | |
►Csstmac::native::manager | The owner of a discrete-event network simulation |
Csstmac::native::macro_manager | |
►Csstmac::parallel_runtime | |
Csstmac::mpi::mpi_runtime | |
Csstmac::native::serial_runtime | |
►Csstmac::param_expander | |
►Csstmac::hw::param_expander | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_param_expander | |
Csstmac::hw::simple_param_expander | |
►Csstmac::partition | Class for storing all the partitions given to us by METIS |
►Csstmac::block_partition | |
Csstmac::occupied_block_partition | |
Csstmac::metis_partition | |
Csstmac::serial_partition | |
Csstmac::topology_partition | |
►Csstmac::stat_collector | A type of logger that collects some kind of statistic and outputs to a file during or at the end of a simulation |
Csstmac::event_trace | |
Csstmac::hw::stat_bytes_sent | |
Csstmac::location_trace | |
Csstmac::stat_global_int | |
►Csstmac::stat_histogram | |
Csstmac::stat_time_histogram | |
Csstmac::stat_local_double | |
Csstmac::stat_local_int | |
►Csstmac::stat_spyplot | This stat_collector class keeps a spy plot |
Csstmac::stat_spyplot_png | This stat_collector class keeps a spy plot, and outputs it as a png |
Csstmac::sw::ftq_calendar | |
Csstmac::sw::graph_viz | |
►Csstmac::sw::api | |
►Csstmac::sumi_api | |
Csumi::sumi_transport | |
Csstmac::sw::blas_api | |
►Csstmac::sw::app | The app derived class adds to the thread base class by providing facilities to allow applications to simulate computation |
Csstmac::sw::user_app_cxx_empty_main | |
Csstmac::sw::user_app_cxx_full_main | |
Csumi::parsedumpi | A refactored dumpi parser to read the newer binary-format dumpi trace files |
Csstmac::sw::app_launch | |
Csstmac::sw::blas_kernel | |
Csstmac::sw::job_launcher | Performs the combined operations a queue scheduler like PBS or MOAB and a job launcher like SLURM (srun) or ALPS (aprun) |
►Csstmac::sw::node_allocator | Strategy type for assigning processes to nodes in a parallel run |
Csstmac::sw::cart_allocation | |
Csstmac::sw::coordinate_allocation | |
Csstmac::sw::dumpi_allocation | |
Csstmac::sw::first_available_allocation | |
Csstmac::sw::hostname_allocation | |
Csstmac::sw::node_id_allocation | |
Csstmac::sw::random_allocation | |
Csstmac::sw::perf_counter_model | |
►Csstmac::sw::task_mapper | Base class for strategies regarding how to sequentially number nodes in a parallel simulation |
Csstmac::sw::block_task_mapper | An index strategy that allocates indices using a round robin |
Csstmac::sw::coordinate_task_mapper | |
Csstmac::sw::dumpi_task_mapper | |
Csstmac::sw::hostname_task_mapper | |
Csstmac::sw::node_id_task_mapper | |
Csstmac::sw::random_task_mapper | An index strategy that allocates indices using a round robin |
Csstmac::sw::round_robin_task_mapper | An index strategy that allocates indices using a round robin |
►Csstmac::tutorial::actor | |
Csstmac::tutorial::christopher_guest | |
Csstmac::tutorial::mandy_patinkin | |
►Csstmac::hw::failable | |
Csstmac::hw::nic | A networkinterface is a delegate between a node and a server module |
Csstmac::hw::node | |
CFailCompileTime< t, msg > | |
►Csstmac::sw::ftq_epoch | |
►Csstmac::sw::task_ftq_calendar | |
Csstmac::sw::app_ftq_calendar | |
Csstmac::sw::funcptr | Pack a function pointer of the form void(*)(void*) as a pair of integers |
Csstmac::gens< N, S > | |
Csstmac::gens< 0, S... > | |
Csstmac::hw::stat_bytes_sent::global_gather_stats_t | |
Csstmac::sw::graph_viz_increment_stack | |
Csstmac::parallel_runtime::incoming_msg | |
Csstmac::hw::recv_cq::incoming_msg | |
Csstmac::hw::index_subset | |
►Cinterconnect_base | |
►Csstmac::hw::switch_interconnect_base | |
►Csstmac::hw::macro_switch_interconnect | |
Csstmac::hw::simple_interconnect | |
Csstmac::sw::intpair | A set of utilities to deal with the odd arguments to makecontext |
CInvalidContainer< T > | |
Csprockit::is_base_of< T, S > | |
Csstmac::sw::key | A base type and default (empty) implementation of a handle to block and unblock processes |
Csprockit::KeywordRegistration | |
Ckv< K, V > | |
►Clib_compute | |
►Csstmac::sw::lib_compute_inst | |
►Csstmac::sw::lib_compute_memmove | |
Csstmac::sw::lib_compute_loops | |
Csstmac::sw::lib_compute_matrix | |
Csstmac::sw::lib_hybrid_compute | |
Csstmac::sw::lib_hybrid_compute | |
Csstmac::sw::lib_compute_time | |
►Csstmac::sw::library | |
Csstmac::sw::api | |
Csstmac::sw::blocking_library | |
Csstmac::sw::lib_sleep | |
►Csstmac::sw::service | |
Csstmac::sumi_server | |
Csstmac::sw::launcher | A launcher that can be cooperatively scheduled by a very naive scheduler |
►Csstmac::library_interface | Castable type that stores a library id (std::string) for mapping events to the correct library in sstmac::sw::operating_system |
►Csstmac::sw::launch_event | |
Csstmac::sw::arrive_message | |
Csstmac::transport_message | |
Csstmac::hw::simple_memory_model::link | |
►Csstmac::lockable | |
Csstmac::parallel_runtime | |
►Csstmac::thread_safe_int_base | |
Csstmac::thread_safe_int_t< Integer > | |
CLodePNGColorMode | |
CLodePNGCompressSettings | |
CLodePNGDecoderSettings | |
CLodePNGDecompressSettings | |
CLodePNGEncoderSettings | |
CLodePNGInfo | |
CLodePNGState | |
CLodePNGTime | |
Csstmac::logger | Base class of things which track events in the simulation, and output in different ways |
Csstmac::sw::machine_descriptor | |
Csstmac::hw::fat_tree_global_adaptive_router::Match_Fields | |
Csstmac::hw::sdn_router::Match_Fields | |
►Cmemory_model | |
Csstmac::hw::null_memory_model | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_memory_model | |
Csstmac::hw::simple_memory_model | |
Csstmac::mpi::mpi_runtime::merge_request | |
Csstmac::message_buffer_cache | |
Csprockit::metadata_bits< integer > | |
Csprockit::metadata_bits< uint32_t > | |
Csprockit::modal_mixin::ModalMixinBase | |
Csstmac::native::multiuse_thread_barrier | |
Csstmac::sw::mutex_t | |
Csstmac::mutex_thread_lock | |
Csprockit::need_delete_statics< T > | |
►Cnetwork_switch | |
Csstmac::hw::dist_dummy_switch | The dist_dummy_switch class Encapsulates a switch that is a placeholder used in parallel simulation |
►Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_abstract_switch | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_switch | A switch in the network that arbitrates/routes packet_trains to the next link in the network |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_tiled_switch | |
Csstmac::hw::simple_switch | |
Cnic_recv_cq | A Receive Completion Queue |
CRNG::NormalDistribution | |
Copts | |
Csstmac::sw::operating_system::os_thread_context | |
Csprockit::output | |
Cpacket_flow | |
►Cpacket_flow_component | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_abstract_switch | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_netlink | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_nic | Network interface compatible with sending packet trains |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_input | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_output | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_stats_st | |
►Csstmac::hw::packetizer_callback | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_memory_model | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_nic | Network interface compatible with sending packet trains |
►Cparam_bcaster | |
Csprockit::mpi_param_bcaster | |
►CParentRouter | |
Csstmac::hw::multipath_router< ParentRouter > | |
Csumi::parsedumpi_callbacks | Populate C-style callbacks for a libundumpi parser |
Csstmac::hw::structured_routable::path | |
Csstmac::hw::structured_routable::path_set | |
►Cpayload | |
Csstmac::pair_payload< T1, T2 > | Network payload consisting of a value with sensible copy semantics |
Csstmac::pairpayloadvector< T1, T2 > | Network payload consisting of a value with sensible copy semantics |
Csstmac::vector1_payload< Type, VectorType > | Network payload consisting of a boost multiarray |
Csstmac::hw::payload_queue | |
Csstmac::hw::packetizer::pending_send | |
Csstmac::sw::perf_counter | |
Csstmac::sw::process_context | |
►Csstmac::sw::process_manager | |
Csstmac::sumi_api | |
►Csprockit::ptr_type | |
Csprockit::printable_ptr_type | |
►Csstmac::tutorial::gem | The gem class |
Csstmac::tutorial::diamond | |
Csstmac::tutorial::illustration | Basic class structure tutorial |
►Csstmac::tutorial::mineral | The mineral class |
Csstmac::tutorial::diamond | |
Csprockit::pvt::raw_ptr_wrapper< TPtr > | |
Csstmac::hw::recv_cq | |
Csprockit::refcount_ptr< T > | |
Csstmac::hw::packet_flow_NtoM_queue::request | |
►Crouter | |
►Csstmac::hw::structured_router | The structured_router class Implements a router that computes path on-the-fly using the geometry of the topology rather than using a table-based scheme with a table stored in the router |
►Csstmac::hw::fat_tree_router | The fat_tree_router class Router encapsulating the special routing computations that must occur on a fat tree topology |
Csstmac::hw::fat_tree_dmodk_router | The fat_tree_dmodk_router class Router encapsulating the special routing computations that must occur on a fat tree topology |
Csstmac::hw::fat_tree_global_adaptive_router | The fat_tree_global_adaptive_router class Router encapsulating the special routing computations that must occur on a fat tree topology |
Csstmac::hw::fat_tree_local_adaptive_router | The fat_tree_local_adaptive_router class Router encapsulating the special routing computations that must occur on a fat tree topology |
►Csstmac::hw::minimal_router | The minimal_router class Router that performs |
Csstmac::hw::minimal_adaptive_router | The minimal_adaptive_router class Performs some amount of adaptive routing, choosing between the least congested of all possible minimal paths |
►Csstmac::hw::valiant_router | The valiant_router class Enacpsulates a router that performs oblivious, global routing according to "A Scheme for Fast Parallel Computation" by Valiant |
Csstmac::hw::ugal_router | The ugal_router class Encapsulates a router that performs Univeral Globally Adaptive Load-balanced routing as described in PhD Thesis "Load-balanced in routing in interconnection networks" by A Singh |
Csstmac::hw::sdn_router | The sdn_router class Router encapsulating the special routing computations that must occur on a fat tree topology |
Csstmac::runtime | |
Csstmac::seq<... > | |
Csprockit::pvt::ser_array_wrapper< TPtr, IntType > | |
►Csprockit::pvt::ser_buffer_accessor | |
Csprockit::pvt::ser_packer | |
Csprockit::pvt::ser_unpacker | |
Csprockit::pvt::ser_sizer | |
►Csprockit::serializable | |
►Csstmac::event | |
►Csstmac::flow | |
►Csstmac::message | A class describing an event |
Csstmac::hw::memory_message | |
►Csstmac::hw::network_message | |
Csstmac::transport_message | |
Csstmac::hw::fail_event | |
Csstmac::hw::packet | |
Csstmac::sleep_event | |
►Csstmac::sw::compute_event | Input for processor models that use performance counter data |
Csstmac::sw::compute_event_impl< T > | |
Csstmac::sw::job_launch_event | |
Csstmac::sw::launch_event | |
►Csprockit::serializable_builder | |
Csprockit::serializable_builder_impl< T > | |
Csprockit::serializable_factory | |
►Csprockit::serializable_type< T > | |
Csstmac::hw::fail_event | |
Csstmac::hw::network_message | |
Csstmac::transport_message | |
Csstmac::vector1_payload< Type, VectorType > | Network payload consisting of a boost multiarray |
Csprockit::serializable_type< fail_event > | |
Csprockit::serializable_type< network_message > | |
Csprockit::serializable_type< transport_message > | |
Csprockit::serializable_type< vector1_payload< Type, VectorType > > | |
Csprockit::serialize< T > | |
Csprockit::serialize< bool > | |
Csprockit::serialize< const sprockit::refcount_ptr< T > > | |
Csprockit::serialize< serializable * > | |
Csprockit::serialize< spkt_unordered_map< Key, Value > > | |
Csprockit::serialize< spkt_unordered_set< T > > | |
Csprockit::serialize< sprockit::refcount_ptr< const T > > | |
Csprockit::serialize< sprockit::refcount_ptr< T > > | |
Cserialize< sstmac::hw::stat_bytes_sent::aggregation::entry > | |
Cserialize< sstmac::hw::structured_routable::path > | |
Cserialize< sstmac::hw::unique_event_id > | |
Cserialize< sstmac::timestamp > | |
Csprockit::serialize< std::deque< T > > | |
Csprockit::serialize< std::list< T > > | |
Csprockit::serialize< std::map< Key, Value > > | |
Csprockit::serialize< std::set< T > > | |
Csprockit::serialize< std::string > | |
Csprockit::serialize< std::vector< T > > | |
Csprockit::serialize< T[N]> | |
Csprockit::serialize_ptr< T, flag > | |
Csprockit::serialize_ptr< T, false > | |
Csprockit::serialize_ptr< T, true > | |
Csprockit::serializer | This class is basically a wrapper for objects to declare the order in which their members should be ser/des |
Csim_stats | |
Csstmac::sim_thread_lock | |
Csstmac::Simulation | |
Csstmac::SimulationQueue | |
Csstmac::sw::software_id | A wrapper for an appid, taskid pair |
Csprockit::SpktBuilder< T, Args > | |
►Csprockit::SpktBuilder< Parent, Args... > | |
Csprockit::SpktBuilderImpl< Child, Factory< Parent, Args... > > | |
Csprockit::SpktBuilderImpl< Child, Factory > | |
Csprockit::SpktFileIO | |
Csstmac_cpu_set_t | |
►Csstmac::sw::sstmac_global | |
►Csstmac::sw::sstmac_global_builtin< T > | |
Csstmac::sw::sstmac_global_struct< T > | |
►Csstmac::sw::sstmac_global_builtin< T * > | |
Csstmac::sw::sstmac_global_struct< T * > | |
►Csstmac::sw::sstmac_global_builtin_arr< T, N > | |
Cglobal_arr< T, N > | |
►Csstmac::sw::sstmac_global_builtin_arr< T *, N > | |
Cglobal_ptr_arr< T, N > | |
Csstmac_pthread_attr_t | |
Csstmac::sw::stack_alloc | A management type to handle dividing mmap-ed memory for use as ucontext stack(s) |
Csprockit::StaticKeywordRegister | |
Csprockit::StaticKeywordRegisterRegexp | |
Csprockit::StaticNamespaceRegister | |
Csprockit::statics | |
Csstmac::event_manager::stats_entry | |
Csstmac::pairpayloadvector< T1, T2 >::structtype | |
Csstmac::hw::structured_routable | |
Csstmac::sumi_queue | |
►CTestCase | |
CExceptionTestCase | |
CTestCase_impl< T > | |
CTestEquals< T > | |
CTestEquals< double > | |
CTestEquals< float > | |
CTestEquals< std::vector< T > > | |
►CTestFxn | |
CTestFxn0< Fxn > | |
CTestFxn1< Fxn, A > | |
CTestFxn2< Fxn, A, B > | |
CTestFxn3< Fxn, A, B, C > | |
CTestMemberFxn1< Fxn, Cls, A > | |
CTestMemberFxn2< Fxn, Cls, A, B > | |
CTestMemberFxn3< Fxn, Cls, A, B, C > | |
►Csstmac::sw::thread | |
Csstmac::sumi_thread | |
Csstmac::sw::app | The app derived class adds to the thread base class by providing facilities to allow applications to simulate computation |
Csstmac::sw::pthread_runner | |
Csstmac::native::thread_barrier | |
►Csstmac::native::thread_barrier_functor | |
Csstmac::native::multithreaded_event_container::send_recv_thread_functor | |
Csstmac::native::multithreaded_event_container::vote_thread_functor | |
Csstmac::native::thread_event_schedule_map | |
Csstmac::thread_info | |
Csstmac::sw::threadinfo | Base class for tasks that can be cooperative scheduled using threadcontext |
►Csstmac::sw::threading_interface | |
Csstmac::sw::threading_pth | |
►Csstmac::timed_interface | |
Csstmac::sleep_event | |
Csstmac::sw::launch_event | |
Csstmac::sw::Timer | |
Csstmac::timestamp | A basic container for time (subject to future transplant) |
►Ctopology | |
►Csstmac::hw::structured_topology | Encapsulates a topology like torus, fat tree, butterfly which has a regular, well-defined structure |
►Csstmac::hw::abstract_butterfly | The abstract_butterfly class Encapsulates operations common to both butterfly and flattened_butterfly |
Csstmac::hw::butterfly | The butterfly class Encapsulates a butterfly topology as described in "High Performance Datacenter Networks" by Abts and Kim |
Csstmac::hw::flattened_butterfly | The flattened_butterfly class Encapsulates a flattened butterfly topology as described in "High Performance Datacenter Networks" by Abts and Kim |
►Csstmac::hw::abstract_fat_tree | |
Csstmac::hw::fat_tree | The fat tree network generates a k-ary fat tree with l tiers |
Csstmac::hw::simple_fat_tree | |
►Csstmac::hw::cartesian_topology | The cartesian_topology class Encapsulates a topology like torus that can be naturally mapped onto an n-dimensional Cartesian (integer) coordinate system |
►Csstmac::hw::dragonfly | |
Csstmac::hw::tiled_dragonfly | |
►Csstmac::hw::hdtorus | Implements a high dimensional torus network |
Csstmac::hw::hypercube | |
Csstmac::hw::tiled_torus | |
Csstmac::hw::crossbar | The crossbar network generates a network which connects all nodes with only two hops: those to and from the crossbar |
Csstmac::hw::fake_topology | |
Csstmac::hw::simple_topology | |
Csstmac::hw::xpress_ring | |
Csstmac::sw::graph_viz::trace | |
Csstmac::hw::traffic_pattern | |
►Ctransport | |
Csumi::sumi_transport | |
►CRNG::UniformInteger | This is a base class for random number generators that return an integer uniformly distributed in a range |
CRNG::Combo | A random number generator combining several techniques by George Marsaglia (1999; internet posting) |
CRNG::CONG | The congruential random number generator by George Marsaglia (1999; internet posting) |
CRNG::mersenne_twister | Updated Mersenne twister |
CRNG::MWC | The multiple-with-carry random number generator by George Marsaglia (1999; internet posting) |
CRNG::SHR3 | The 3-shift-register random number generator by George Marsaglia (1999; internet posting) |
CRNG::SimpleCombo | A simple random generator using MWC, CONG, and SHR3 by George Marsaglia (1999; internet posting) |
►CRNG::Table256 | A base class for random number generators using a table of 256 32-bit integers |
CRNG::LFIB4 | A lagged Fibonacci random number generator by George Marsaglia (1999; internet posting) |
CRNG::SWB | A subtract with borrow random number generator by George Marsaglia (1999; internet posting) |
CRNG::UniformInteger_functor | Converts a shared* to a RNG to a functor |
Csstmac::hw::unique_event_id | |
CUnitTest | |
Cuq_param_t | |
CVariable< T > | |
CVariablePtr< T > | |
►Cvector | |
Csstmac::hw::coordinates | |
Csstmac::sw::voidptr | Pack a void* argument into a pair of integers |
►Csstmac::sw::waiter | The main interface for something that can wait in a certain way for an event that is important to it |
Csstmac::sw::callback_waiter | |