Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CAssertEqual< T, A >
 CAssertEqual< std::vector< T >, A >
 CAssertEqual< std::vector< T >, std::vector< T > >
 CAssertEqual< T, T >
 Csstmac::sw::stack_alloc::chunkA chunk of allocated memory to be divided into fixed-size stacks
 CClassOutput< T >
 CClassOutput< std::map< T, U > >
 CClassOutput< std::vector< T > >
 Csprockit::CleanupFactory< Factory >
 Csstmac::hw::clone_factory< CloneType, CloneArg1 >
 CContainerAppend< C, A >
 CContainerAppend< std::map< K, V >, kv< K, V > >
 CContainerAppend< std::vector< T >, A >
 Csprockit::debug_intOpaque wrapper around an integer used for checking if debug slots are active
 Csprockit::debug_prefix_fxnThe debug_prefix_fxn class Produces a string prefix (dynamically, called every time) that can be registered with the debug system to add extra metadata to each debug print
 Csprockit::debug_register_slotThe debug_register_slot class
 Csstmac::envThis class holds some global information about the simulation
 Csstmac::event_handlerThe main interface for something that can respond to an event (sst_message)
 Csprockit::Factory< T, Args >
 Csprockit::factory< T >
 Csprockit::factory2< T >
 CFailCompileTime< t, msg >
 Csstmac::sw::funcptrPack a function pointer of the form void(*)(void*) as a pair of integers
 Csstmac::gens< N, S >
 Csstmac::gens< 0, S... >
 Csstmac::sw::intpairA set of utilities to deal with the odd arguments to makecontext
 CInvalidContainer< T >
 Csprockit::is_base_of< T, S >
 Csstmac::sw::keyA base type and default (empty) implementation of a handle to block and unblock processes
 Ckv< K, V >
 Csstmac::library_interfaceCastable type that stores a library id (std::string) for mapping events to the correct library in sstmac::sw::operating_system
 Csstmac::loggerBase class of things which track events in the simulation, and output in different ways
 Csprockit::metadata_bits< integer >
 Csprockit::metadata_bits< uint32_t >
 Csprockit::need_delete_statics< T >
 Cnic_recv_cqA Receive Completion Queue
 Csumi::parsedumpi_callbacksPopulate C-style callbacks for a libundumpi parser
 Csprockit::pvt::raw_ptr_wrapper< TPtr >
 Csprockit::refcount_ptr< T >
 Csstmac::seq<... >
 Csprockit::pvt::ser_array_wrapper< TPtr, IntType >
 Csprockit::serializable_type< T >
 Csprockit::serializable_type< fail_event >
 Csprockit::serializable_type< network_message >
 Csprockit::serializable_type< transport_message >
 Csprockit::serializable_type< vector1_payload< Type, VectorType > >
 Csprockit::serialize< T >
 Csprockit::serialize< bool >
 Csprockit::serialize< const sprockit::refcount_ptr< T > >
 Csprockit::serialize< serializable * >
 Csprockit::serialize< spkt_unordered_map< Key, Value > >
 Csprockit::serialize< spkt_unordered_set< T > >
 Csprockit::serialize< sprockit::refcount_ptr< const T > >
 Csprockit::serialize< sprockit::refcount_ptr< T > >
 Cserialize< sstmac::hw::stat_bytes_sent::aggregation::entry >
 Cserialize< sstmac::hw::structured_routable::path >
 Cserialize< sstmac::hw::unique_event_id >
 Cserialize< sstmac::timestamp >
 Csprockit::serialize< std::deque< T > >
 Csprockit::serialize< std::list< T > >
 Csprockit::serialize< std::map< Key, Value > >
 Csprockit::serialize< std::set< T > >
 Csprockit::serialize< std::string >
 Csprockit::serialize< std::vector< T > >
 Csprockit::serialize< T[N]>
 Csprockit::serialize_ptr< T, flag >
 Csprockit::serialize_ptr< T, false >
 Csprockit::serialize_ptr< T, true >
 Csprockit::serializerThis class is basically a wrapper for objects to declare the order in which their members should be ser/des
 Csstmac::sw::software_idA wrapper for an appid, taskid pair
 Csprockit::SpktBuilder< T, Args >
 Csprockit::SpktBuilder< Parent, Args... >
 Csprockit::SpktBuilderImpl< Child, Factory >
 Csstmac::sw::stack_allocA management type to handle dividing mmap-ed memory for use as ucontext stack(s)
 Csstmac::pairpayloadvector< T1, T2 >::structtype
 CTestEquals< T >
 CTestEquals< double >
 CTestEquals< float >
 CTestEquals< std::vector< T > >
 Csstmac::sw::threadinfoBase class for tasks that can be cooperative scheduled using threadcontext
 Csstmac::timestampA basic container for time (subject to future transplant)
 CRNG::UniformIntegerThis is a base class for random number generators that return an integer uniformly distributed in a range
 CRNG::UniformInteger_functorConverts a shared* to a RNG to a functor
 CVariable< T >
 CVariablePtr< T >
 Csstmac::sw::voidptrPack a void* argument into a pair of integers
 Csstmac::sw::waiterThe main interface for something that can wait in a certain way for an event that is important to it