77 return "default job launcher";
90 #endif // JOB_LAUNCHER_H The job_launcher class performs the combined operations a queue scheduler like PBS or MOAB and a job ...
std::set< node_id > ordered_node_set
std::string to_string() const
void satisfy_launch_request(app_launch *appman)
app_launch * task_mapper(app_id aid) const
void set_interconnect(hw::interconnect *ic)
std::map< app_id, app_launch * > apps_launched_
virtual void handle_new_launch_request(app_launch *appman)=0
handle_new_launch_request As if a new job had been submitted with qsub or salloc. ...
virtual void init_factory_params(sprockit::sim_parameters *params)
The main interface for something that can respond to an event (sst_message).
ordered_node_set allocated_
SUMI = Simulator unified messagine interface It is also the name for a solid ink in Japanese - i...
node_id node_for_task(app_id aid, task_id tid) const
ordered_node_set available_
hw::interconnect * interconnect_