1 #ifndef sstmac_hardware_network_topology_routing_UGAL_ROUTING_H 2 #define sstmac_hardware_network_topology_routing_UGAL_ROUTING_H 53 return 3 * topology_vc;
68 return 3 * topology_vc + 1;
79 return 3 * topology_vc + 2;
93 #endif // UGAL_ROUTING_H virtual int second_stage_vc(int topology_vc)
The topology object specifies a virtual channel based purely on geometry.
next_action_t initial_step(structured_routable *rtbl, packet *pkt)
Different for pure valiant and UGAL.
std::string to_string() const
The valiant_router class Enacpsulates a router that performs oblivious, global routing according to "...
int val_preference_factor_
SUMI = Simulator unified messagine interface It is also the name for a solid ink in Japanese - i...
virtual int first_stage_vc(int topology_vc)
The topology object specifies a virtual channel based purely on geometry.
int zero_stage_vc(int topology_vc)
In adition to the valiant stages, ugal has a minimal stage.
virtual void init_factory_params(sprockit::sim_parameters *params)
The ugal_router class Encapsulates a router that performs Univeral Globally Adaptive Load-balanced ro...
virtual void finalize_init()