26 return "xpress ring topology";
virtual long num_switches() const
virtual std::string to_string() const
virtual switch_id switch_number(const coordinates &coords) const
virtual long num_leaf_switches() const
Structured topologies can be direct (torus) or indirect (fat tree).
virtual int radix() const
int num_hops(int total_distance) const
virtual void productive_path(int dim, const coordinates &src, const coordinates &dst, structured_routable::path &path) const
SUMI = Simulator unified messagine interface It is also the name for a solid ink in Japanese - i...
virtual void init_factory_params(sprockit::sim_parameters *params)
virtual int ndimensions() const
The number of distinct 'dimensions' in the topology.
virtual void compute_switch_coords(switch_id swid, coordinates &coords) const
Compute coordinates (e.g.
virtual int minimal_distance(const coordinates &src_coords, const coordinates &dest_coords) const
The function accepts either source or node coordinates.
Encapsulates a topology like torus, fat tree, butterfly which has a regular, well-defined structure...
virtual void minimal_route_to_coords(const coordinates &src_coords, const coordinates &dest_coords, structured_routable::path &path) const
Workhorse function for implementing minimal_route_to_switch and #minimal_route_to_node.
virtual void connect_objects(internal_connectable_map &objects)
Given a set of connectables, connect them appropriately.
virtual int convert_to_port(int dim, int dir) const