Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
sstmac::hw Namespace Reference




class  abstract_butterfly
 The abstract_butterfly class Encapsulates operations common to both butterfly and flattened_butterfly. More...
class  abstract_fat_tree
class  butterfly
 The butterfly class Encapsulates a butterfly topology as described in "High Performance Datacenter Networks" by Abts and Kim. More...
class  byte_hop_collector
class  bytes_sent_collector
class  cartesian_topology
 The cartesian_topology class Encapsulates a topology like torus that can be naturally mapped onto an n-dimensional Cartesian (integer) coordinate system. More...
class  clone_factory
class  connectable
class  connectable_component
class  connectable_subcomponent
class  coordinates
class  crossbar
 The crossbar network generates a network which connects all nodes with only two hops: those to and from the crossbar. More...
class  delay_histogram
class  dist_dummy_switch
 The dist_dummy_switch class Encapsulates a switch that is a placeholder used in parallel simulation. More...
class  dragonfly
class  fail_event
class  failable
class  fake_topology
class  fat_tree
 The fat tree network generates a k-ary fat tree with l tiers. More...
class  fat_tree_dmodk_router
 The fat_tree_dmodk_router class Router encapsulating the special routing computations that must occur on a fat tree topology. More...
class  fat_tree_global_adaptive_router
 The fat_tree_global_adaptive_router class Router encapsulating the special routing computations that must occur on a fat tree topology. More...
class  fat_tree_local_adaptive_router
 The fat_tree_local_adaptive_router class Router encapsulating the special routing computations that must occur on a fat tree topology. More...
class  fat_tree_router
 The fat_tree_router class Router encapsulating the special routing computations that must occur on a fat tree topology. More...
class  flattened_butterfly
 The flattened_butterfly class Encapsulates a flattened butterfly topology as described in "High Performance Datacenter Networks" by Abts and Kim. More...
class  gaussian_noise_model
class  hdtorus
 Implements a high dimensional torus network. More...
class  hypercube
class  index_subset
class  instruction_processor
class  macro_switch_interconnect
class  memory_message
class  minimal_adaptive_router
 The minimal_adaptive_router class Performs some amount of adaptive routing, choosing between the least congested of all possible minimal paths. More...
class  minimal_router
 The minimal_router class Router that performs. More...
class  multipath_router
class  netlink
class  network_message
class  nic
 A networkinterface is a delegate between a node and a server module. More...
class  node
class  noise_model
class  null_memory_model
class  null_nic
class  null_node
 A null node. More...
class  null_scheduler
class  null_stats
class  packet
class  packet_allocator
 The packet_allocator class Factory for creating packets. More...
class  packet_delay_stats
class  packet_flow_abstract_switch
class  packet_flow_bandwidth_arbitrator
class  packet_flow_buffer
class  packet_flow_crossbar
class  packet_flow_cut_through_arbitrator
class  packet_flow_cut_through_packetizer
class  packet_flow_demuxer
class  packet_flow_eject_buffer
class  packet_flow_finite_buffer
class  packet_flow_handler
class  packet_flow_infinite_buffer
class  packet_flow_injection_buffer
struct  packet_flow_input
class  packet_flow_memory_model
class  packet_flow_memory_packetizer
class  packet_flow_muxer
class  packet_flow_netlink
class  packet_flow_network_buffer
class  packet_flow_nic
 Network interface compatible with sending packet trains. More...
class  packet_flow_nic_packetizer
class  packet_flow_NtoM_queue
class  packet_flow_null_arbitrator
struct  packet_flow_output
class  packet_flow_packetizer
class  packet_flow_param_expander
class  packet_flow_sender
class  packet_flow_simple_arbitrator
class  packet_flow_simple_packetizer
class  packet_flow_switch
 A switch in the network that arbitrates/routes packet_trains to the next link in the network. More...
class  packet_flow_tiled_switch
class  packet_sent_stats
struct  packet_stats_st
class  packetizer
class  packetizer_callback
class  param_expander
struct  payload_queue
class  processor
 An interface for processor models. More...
class  recv_cq
class  sdn_router
 The sdn_router class Router encapsulating the special routing computations that must occur on a fat tree topology. More...
class  simple_fat_tree
class  simple_interconnect
class  simple_memory_model
class  simple_nic
 A networkinterface is a delegate between a node and a server module. More...
class  simple_node
 A stand-in node. More...
class  simple_param_expander
class  simple_processor
 A very simple processor model. More...
class  simple_switch
class  simple_topology
class  spyplot_and_delay_stats
class  stat_bytes_sent
class  structured_routable
class  structured_router
 The structured_router class Implements a router that computes path on-the-fly using the geometry of the topology rather than using a table-based scheme with a table stored in the router. More...
class  structured_topology
 Encapsulates a topology like torus, fat tree, butterfly which has a regular, well-defined structure. More...
class  switch_interconnect_base
class  tiled_dragonfly
class  tiled_torus
class  traffic_pattern
class  ugal_router
 The ugal_router class Encapsulates a router that performs Univeral Globally Adaptive Load-balanced routing as described in PhD Thesis "Load-balanced in routing in interconnection networks" by A Singh. More...
struct  unique_event_id
class  valiant_router
 The valiant_router class Enacpsulates a router that performs oblivious, global routing according to "A Scheme for Fast Parallel Computation" by Valiant. More...
class  xpress_ring


typedef macro_switch_interconnect switch_interconnect
typedef unique_event_id memory_access_id
typedef unique_event_id network_id


std::size_t hash_value (const unique_event_id &id)
 DeclareFactory1InitParam (nic, sprockit::factory_type *)
 DeclareFactory (node)
 DeclareIntegratedComponent (simple_node)
 DeclareFactory (noise_model)
 DeclareFactory (packet_flow_bandwidth_arbitrator)
 DeclareIntegratedComponent (packet_flow_switch)
 DeclareFactory2InitParams (processor, memory_model *, node *)

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 12 of file memory_id.h.

Definition at line 11 of file network_id.h.

Definition at line 11 of file switch_interconnect_fwd.h.

Function Documentation

sstmac::hw::DeclareFactory ( noise_model  )
sstmac::hw::DeclareFactory ( packet_flow_bandwidth_arbitrator  )
sstmac::hw::DeclareFactory ( node  )
sstmac::hw::DeclareFactory1InitParam ( nic  ,

Referenced by DeclareDebugSlot().

sstmac::hw::DeclareFactory2InitParams ( processor  ,
memory_model ,

Referenced by DeclareDebugSlot().

sstmac::hw::DeclareIntegratedComponent ( simple_node  )
sstmac::hw::DeclareIntegratedComponent ( packet_flow_switch  )
std::size_t sstmac::hw::hash_value ( const unique_event_id id)

Definition at line 88 of file unique_id.h.